
Poster: Poster Session and Reception
Event TypePoster
TimeTuesday, June 2719:30 - 21:30 CEST
P01 - A Language-Interoperable C++-Based Memory-Manager for the ICON Climate and Weather Prediction Model
P02 - A Massively Parallel Approach to Forecasting Electricity Prices
P03 - A Novel Stochastic Parameterization for Lagrangian Modeling of Atmospheric Aerosol Transport
P04 - A Research Software Engineering Workflow for Computational Science and Engineering
P05 - Ab Initio Modeling of Magnetite Surfaces for Plutonium Retention
P06 - Accurate Electronic Properties and Intercalation Voltages of Li-Ion Cathode Materials from Extended Hubbard Functionals
P07 - Addressing Exascale Challenges for Numerical Algorithms of Strongly Correlated Lattice Models
P08 - Analysis and Application of CNN to Improve Deterministic Optical Flow Nowcasting at DWD
P09 - Analyzing Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Classical Flow Problems
P10 - Application of Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning to Boundary Control Problems
P11 - Bridging the Language Gap: Classes for C++/Fortran Interoperability
P12 - Building a Physics-Constrained, Fast and Stable Machine Learning-Based Radiation Emulator
P13 - Calculation of the Maximally Localized Wannier Functions in the SIRIUS Library
P14 - Closing the Gap: Aligning Developers’ Expectations and Users’ Practices in Cloud Computing Infrastructure
P15 - Compressing Multidimensional Weather and Climate Data into Neural Networks
P16 - Denoising Electronic Signals from Particle Detectors Using a Flexible Deep Convolutional Autoencoder
P17 - Detecting Financial Fraud with Graph Neural Networks
P18 - Directive-Based, Fortran/C++ Interoperable Approach to GPU Offloading of the High Performance Gyrokinetic Turbulence Code GENE-X
P19 - DNS of Strongly Turbulent Thermal Convection in a Non-Rotating Full Sphere
P20 - Docker Container in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY)
P21 - Doppler-Boosted Lasers: A New Path to Extreme QED Pair Plasmas in Light-Matter and Light-Quantum Vacuum Interactions
P22 - Efficient Data Managment in Fully Spectral Dynamo Simulations on Heterogeneous Nodes
P23 - Evaluation of GPU Accelerated Machine Learning Algorithms for Energy Price Prediction
P24 - Geodynamo Simulations in a Full Sphere
P25 - Ginkgo — A High-Performance Portable Numerical Linear Algebra Software
P26 - Global Sensitivity Analysis of High-Dimensional Models with Correlated Inputs
P27 - GPU-Accelerated Modelling of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants in ICON with OpenACC
P28 - GPU-Optimized Tridiagonal and Pentadiagonal System Solvers for Spectral Transforms in QuiCC
P29 - GT4Py: A Python Framework for the Development of High-Performance Weather and Climate Applications
P30 - High Performance Computing Meets Approximate Bayesian Inference
P31 - High-Performance Computing by and for Patient Specific Mechanical Properties
P32 - High-Throughput Computational Screening of Fast Li-Ion Conductors
P33 - ICON-GPU for Numerical Weather Prediction – A Status Report
P34 - Interpretable Compression of Fluid Flows Using Graph Neural Networks
P35 - Investigating the Mechanism of a Local Windstorm in the Swiss Alps Using Large-Eddy Simulations
P36 - Iterative Refinement With Hierarchical Low-Rank Preconditioners Using Mixed Precision
P37 - LIBRSB: Multicore Sparse Matrix Performance Across Languages and Architectures
P38 - Loki v0.1.1: A Source-To-Source Translation Tool for Numerical Weather Prediction Codes and More
P39 - Mapping a Coupled Earth-System Simulator onto the Modular Supercomputer Architecture
P40 - Modeling a Novel Laser-Driven Electron Acceleration Scheme: Particle-In-Cell Simulations at the Exascale
P41 - MPI for Multi-Core, Multi Socket, and GPU Architectures: Optimised Shared Memory Allreduce
P42 - Multigrid in H(curl) on Hybrid Tetrahedral Grids
P43 - Multilevel and Domain-Decomposition Solution Strategies for Solving Large-Scale Phase-Field Fracture Problems
P44 - Numerical Simulation of Gradual Compaction of Granular Materials and the Uncertainty Quantification of the Proposed Mathematical Model
P45 - Optimization of Non-Conventional Airfoils for Martian Rotorcraft with Direct Numerical Simulations Using High-Performance Computing
P46 - Parallel Second Order Conservative Remapping on the Sphere
P47 - Parallel Training of Deep Neural Networks
P48 - ProtoX: A First Look
P49 - Simulating Aquaplanet Using ICON with a GT4Py DSL Dynamical Core
P50 - Towards a GPU-Enabled Linear-Response Algorithm in the SIRIUS Library
P51 - Towards a Python-Based Performance-Portable Finite-Volume Dynamical Core for Numerical Weather Prediction
P52 - Tunable and Portable Extreme-Scale Drug Discovery Platform at Exascale: the LIGATE Approach
P53 - Ultra-High Resolution Simulations of Planetary Collisions
P55 - Novel Geometric Deep Learning Surrogate Framework for Non-Linear Finite Element Simulations
P56 - The P4est Software for Parallel AMR: A Shared Memory Workflow
P57 - Partial Charge Prediction and Pattern Extraction from a AttentiveFP Graph Neural Network
P59 - A Scalable Interior-Point Method for PDE-Constrained Inverse Problems Subject to Inequality Constraints