
Poster: Flash Poster Session - Part I
Event TypePoster
TimeMonday, June 2611:20 - 11:50 CEST
DescriptionThe aim of this rapid-fire session is to allow poster presenters to introduce the topic of their poster and motivate the audience to visit them at the poster session scheduled on the following day. Presenters will have 30 seconds to engage the audience.

The Flash Poster Session is sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry Journals ( Winners of the poster competition will receive a voucher prize generously offered by the Digital Discovery ( and by PCCP (!recentarticles&adv) during the award session scheduled on the last day of the conference.

P01 - A Language-Interoperable C++-Based Memory-Manager for the ICON Climate and Weather Prediction Model
P02 - A Massively Parallel Approach to Forecasting Electricity Prices
P03 - A Novel Stochastic Parameterization for Lagrangian Modeling of Atmospheric Aerosol Transport
P04 - A Research Software Engineering Workflow for Computational Science and Engineering
P05 - Ab Initio Modeling of Magnetite Surfaces for Plutonium Retention
P06 - Accurate Electronic Properties and Intercalation Voltages of Li-Ion Cathode Materials from Extended Hubbard Functionals
P07 - Addressing Exascale Challenges for Numerical Algorithms of Strongly Correlated Lattice Models
P08 - Analysis and Application of CNN to Improve Deterministic Optical Flow Nowcasting at DWD
P09 - Analyzing Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Classical Flow Problems
P10 - Application of Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning to Boundary Control Problems
P11 - Bridging the Language Gap: Classes for C++/Fortran Interoperability
P12 - Building a Physics-Constrained, Fast and Stable Machine Learning-Based Radiation Emulator
P13 - Calculation of the Maximally Localized Wannier Functions in the SIRIUS Library
P14 - Closing the Gap: Aligning Developers’ Expectations and Users’ Practices in Cloud Computing Infrastructure
P15 - Compressing Multidimensional Weather and Climate Data into Neural Networks
P16 - Denoising Electronic Signals from Particle Detectors Using a Flexible Deep Convolutional Autoencoder
P17 - Detecting Financial Fraud with Graph Neural Networks
P18 - Directive-Based, Fortran/C++ Interoperable Approach to GPU Offloading of the High Performance Gyrokinetic Turbulence Code GENE-X
P20 - Docker Container in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY)
P23 - Evaluation of GPU Accelerated Machine Learning Algorithms for Energy Price Prediction
P24 - Geodynamo Simulations in a Full Sphere
P25 - Ginkgo — A High-Performance Portable Numerical Linear Algebra Software
P26 - Global Sensitivity Analysis of High-Dimensional Models with Correlated Inputs
P27 - GPU-Accelerated Modelling of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants in ICON with OpenACC
P29 - GT4Py: A Python Framework for the Development of High-Performance Weather and Climate Applications