
P39 - Mapping a Coupled Earth-System Simulator onto the Modular Supercomputer Architecture
DescriptionThe Modular Supercomputer Architecture concept, developed for the DEEP project series, describes a novel kind of heterogeneous computing platform comprising several different “modules”, each of which is a separate compute cluster in its own right. The modules are connected with a federated network to allow heterogeneous jobs to execute across them. One module may be GPU-based to benefit compute kernels with dense linear algebra or machine learning tasks, for example, whereas another module may have a particularly well optimised file system. The truly heterogeneous Modular Supercomputer Architecture therefore works particularly well for complex applications comprising a range of different compute patterns. One such application is the Earth system simulation, in which the Earth system is broken down into individual components for representing the atmosphere, the ocean, the land surface, and others. Here we present results from adapting the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts’s Earth system model, the Integrated Forecasting System, to take advantage of the Modular Supercomputing Architecture. We focus on the relationship between two particularly compute-intensive model components: the atmosphere and the ocean. We will present results from performing concurrent heterogeneous atmosphere-ocean integrations on a prototypical Modular Supercomputer Architecture system, the DEEP machine at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre.
TimeTuesday, June 2719:30 - 21:30 CEST
Event Type