François Tessier
François Tessier has been a Research Scientist at Inria in Rennes (France), within the KerData team since November 2020. He has been focusing there on I/O and storage challenges in a context of HPC/Cloud convergence. Before that, he stayed two years as a Computational Scientist at ETH Zürich within CSCS (Swiss National Supercomputing Center) located in Lugano, Switzerland, where he worked on dynamic resource provisioning for HPC applications and large-scale workflows. Previously, he spent two years and a half as a postdoctoral appointee at Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA where he addressed the problem of data aggregation for improved I/O. He received a Ph.D in Computer Science in 2015 from University of Bordeaux, France, under the supervision of Emmanuel Jeannot and Guillaume Mercier. His Ph.D thesis focused on topology and affinity-aware application placement and load balancing.
Chair of Sessions
Computer Science, Machine Learning, and Applied Mathematics