P14 - Closing the Gap: Aligning Developers’ Expectations and Users’ Practices in Cloud Computing Infrastructure
DescriptionThere are often discrepancies between the uses that infrastructure developers envision for their technology and the way they are implemented in reality. We report on this gap between expectation and practice based on our ongoing study of the user-experience on a national cyberinfrastructure system for scientific computing, the Cloud Infrastructure for Computing Platform (CICP). Through our observation and interviews with 15 CICP users, we found that infrastructure developers' expectations of users' learning processes differ from the users' actual learning practices. Although CICP documentation and resources are intended to create common knowledge and behaviors, we have observed some local practices emerge through the influence of peers, mentors, and knowledge of other systems. We provide suggestions for minimizing the gap between expectations and practices that can be applied to other similar technology infrastructures in order to meet the goals of developers and improve user experience.
TimeMonday, June 2611:20 - 11:50 CEST
Session Chair
Event Type