
P12 - Building a Physics-Constrained, Fast and Stable Machine Learning-Based Radiation Emulator
DescriptionModeling the transfer of radiation through the atmosphere is a key component of weather and climate models. The operational radiation scheme in the Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model (ICON) is ecRad. The radiation scheme ecRad is accurate but computationally expensive. It is operationally run in ICON on a grid coarser than the dynamical grid and the time step interval between two calls is large. This is known to reduce the quality of the climate prediction. A possible approach to accelerate the computation of the radiation fluxes is to use machine learning methods. In this work, we study random forest and neural network emulations of ecRad. Concerning the neural network, we compare loss functions with an additional energy penalty term and we observe that modifying the loss function is essential to predict accurately the heating rates. The random forest emulator, which is significantly faster to train than the neural network is used as a reference model that the neural network must outperform. The random forest emulator can become extremely accurate but the memory requirement quickly become prohibitive. Various numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the property of the machine learning emulators.
TimeMonday, June 2611:20 - 11:50 CEST
Event Type