
P20 - Docker Container in DWD's Seamless INtegrated FOrecastiNg sYstem (SINFONY)
DescriptionAt Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the SINFONY project has been set up to develop a seamless ensemble prediction system for convective-scale forecasting with forecast ranges of up to 12 hours. It combines Nowcasting (NWC) techniques with numerical weather prediction (NWP) in a seamless way. So far NWC and NWP run on two different IT-Infrastructure levels. Their combination requires a data transfer between both infrastructures, which slows down SINFONY, increases complexity and is prone to disturbances. These disadvantages are solved by transferring the interconnected part of the SINFONY on one single architecture using Docker Container. With this aim in view Docker-Container of the respective NWC components are created, whereby the Container-Image build process is integrated to present CICD systems at DWD. For the application at the assimilation cycle one Container is already implemented in DWD’s development tool BACY. A major innovation of SINFONY is the rapid update cycle (RUC), an hourly refreshing NWP procedure with a Forecast range of 8 hours. The container will be implemented to the RUC and used for the subsequent combination of NWP and NWC.
TimeMonday, June 2611:20 - 11:50 CEST
Session Chair
Event Type