The Role of Software Platforms in Supporting Scientific Software Communities
DescriptionSoftware platforms provide many services to developers and users. Designed and implemented well, they promote better, faster, and lower-cost development of software products, and provide users with a diverse range of access methods, user support, and ease of use. Furthermore, software platforms provide community gathering opportunities for users, developers, sponsors, supporters, and those who are considering engagement. In this presentation, we talk about scientific software platforms for scientific libraries and tools. Specifically, we talk about our efforts on the United States Department of Energy Exascale Computing Project to produce a three-tier software ecosystem. The first tier is the collection of individual products; the next tier is a collection of product communities that collaborate in the development of related products; the final tier is the complete software stack needed for supporting application teams. We talk about the platform design principles of each tier and draw concrete examples from the Trilinos Project, a collection of scientific libraries and tools for parallel distributed memory applications; the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (xSDK), a math libraries product community; and the Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S), a comprehensive collection of scientific libraries and tools that support users from laptops to the very latest leadership computing systems.
TimeWednesday, June 2811:00 - 11:30 CEST
LocationSanada II
Event Type
Applied Social Sciences and Humanities